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Since June 1st, 2005
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charity
Frisco CO, United States
Action Sports Recreation Programs

Adaptive Action Sports' Mission:

We provide Action Sports recreation programs and high-level snowboard training for youth, young adults, and wounded veterans living with permanent physical disabilities.

About Adaptive Action Sports

Skateboarding and Snowboarding are the sports and skills we teach and use to enrich the quality of lives of the participating individual.

  • We provide fun, healthy exercise, skate- and snowboard skill-development, camaraderie and esteem- building activities to adaptive individuals.
  • Provide state-of-the-art action sports skills training by AAS’ certified instructors who have experience working with all ages and all skill levels.
  • Raise awareness of skate- and snowboarding as challenging and rewarding sports for adaptive riders.
  • Increase the level of expectation and respect for the abilities and potential of adaptive individuals. 
  • Provide programs for riders whose goals are to increasingly enjoy recreational riding through the development of their skill sets.
  • We also Introduce the AAS pipeline to riders of all abilities and scout for – and train — those with interest and potential to (a) become part of our Skate

The donations will support:

Empowering youth, young adults, and wounded vets with permanent physical disabilities to discover their potential and achieve greatness.

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